Sunniest day of our vacation so far, and we took complete advantage of it.
First, we got up a little earlier than usual and headed into the Annapolis Royal traffic jam, otherwise known as the Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market. Wow, Truro Farmers Market has nothing on this one except this one is almost entirely out doors.
The first challenge was finding a parking spot. We finally ended up out on the wharf not too far from the venue so that was okay. the second challenge was negotiating through the crowds with the wheelchair. Lots of dead ends and backing up. Slightly easier than backing a tractor trailer. I think everybody and their dog was at the market and I mean that literally. Why people think dogs are especially interested in farmers markets I’ll never know, however, most of them were better behaved than some of the humans.
Lots of things to see. Surprising how many tables were selling booze but I suppose even people in Annapolis Royal need something to live for. All we bought at the market was a cup of coffee and a half dozen peanut butter cookies. Both were equally good. The four cookies we brought home totally soaked the brown paper bag in peanut oil. Might need to have another one at bedtime.
Leaving the market and wandering up the street we discovered the MareGold Bookstore, which specializes in non-fiction books. We found a lovely volume with the collected works of folk painter Maud Lewis for Marilyn and I picked up a book about creative writing.
The Maud Lewis book gave us the idea to travel to the other side of
Digby to visit the reproduction of the Maud Lewis house. We had seen the original a few years ago, which is housed in the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia in Halifax. For someone with so many things against her in life she certainly produced an impressive body of work.
From there we made our way into Digby and spent some time on the waterfront and perusing a second had shop where we found a few items of interest. From there we went to The House of Wong where we enjoyed the best Chinese food we’ve encountered in a long time.
All in all a really great day and we made it back in time to give Annabelle her supper and take her for a walk around the grounds which she dearly loves to do.