Spent much of the day trying to straighten out a problem between our bank, and Airbnb, and PayPal. So hard to get some people to understand anything. Still not resolved, but hoping common sense will prevail, eventually.
I had hoped to get out in the canoe on the river again, but because of the ordeal over finances, it had to be postponed. It was a beautiful day too, warm and almost windless.
The highlight of our day was our trip into Chatham for supper at O’Donaghue’s Irish Pub. Marilyn had fish and chips again, which she declared superior to anything she’d had previously. I opted for a BBQ chicken burger with fries. Tasted pretty good too, along with an India Pale Ale I’d never seen or heard of before. It’s a product of New Maritime Beer Co. in Miramichi, NB. It’s designated as a Double IPA, with an alcohol content of 9%. Never knew there was such a thing. I asked the server if it was available in the liquor store and he assured me it was, and told me what to look for.
After leaving the pub, we stopped at the nearby Super Store to pick up a few things and, lo-and-behold, the Alcool NB Liquor outlet was inside the store. The server had told me what it was called in the liquor store, but of course I immediately forgot. A short perusal of the shelves soon disclosed the right one. How could I forget “Some Friggin’ Good”?
So we returned to the cottage to put our feet up and relax, and end our third day in quiet contemplation.
Ahhhh, Some Friggin Good. Beers are available these days all the way up to 14 or 15% and are called strong beers. As I found out when I got a Beer-vent calendar, strong does not always mean good. We have a craft brewery in our city that has all kind of catchy names like Prairie Fairy and Man Crush for their saisons. An Irish Pub is always a good dining option. Allan