Another rainy night last night but by noon it was a pretty nice day once more. We just lazed around until mid afternoon when we decided to go for a drive. Google told us we could make a right turn out of our driveway and make a complete circuit around the finger of land we’re on, allowing us to stop at the restaurant we’d chosen for supper, then continue on around and back to the cottage.
Well guess what? Google is capable of lying. It turns out the road does not exist inside the red box I marked on this version. So, we ended up having to back track almost to where we started from and then cut up across country where I placed the red line.
At any rate, it turned out to be well worth the extra effort.
The Crows Nest Seafood Restaurant is between Hillsburn and Parker’s Cove on the Shore Road. You may recall my raving about the meal I had last evening at Whiskey Teller. Well, I’m here to tell you, this meal at the Crow’s Nest equaled or possibly even surpassed that one. I had the Lemon and
Pepper Haddock and Home Fries and it was scrumdillyicious. Marilyn had the English Battered Haddock and while she declared it delicious, said it wasn’t quite as good as the haddock she had at Whiskey Teller.
So back to our cozy cottage and Annabelle waiting patiently for her supper. Then to spend a quiet evening on our computers. At least the WIFI is working better this evening.